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Implementing Conditional Double Opt-In

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Hello everyone,

I need your help with a requirement in Dynamics 365 Customer Insights. We’re working on a marketing form, and we want to implement a double opt-in process specifically for users in Germany. For users in other countries, we’d like to bypass the double opt-in process and allow them to directly opt in.

We have a Country field on the form that can be used to distinguish between users from Germany and those from other countries. However, the challenge is that the form settings only allow it to be either a double opt-in or not, with no built-in conditional logic to apply this selectively.

Is there a way to configure the form or create a workaround so that:

  • Users from Germany receive the double opt-in email.
  • Users from other countries are opted in directly without the double opt-in step.

This is an urgent requirement, so any guidance, workarounds, or resources would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your support!

  • Joshua Adams Profile Picture
    Joshua Adams 16 on at
    Implementing Conditional Double Opt-In

    The user has to select the country themselves. They could be sitting in US but if they select Germany as a country from the lookup field they should get the double opt-in email.
  • Suggested answer
    VaHiX Profile Picture
    VaHiX 3,369 on at
    Implementing Conditional Double Opt-In
    You create two separate forms: One form for users in Germany with double opt-in enabled, and another form for users from other countries without double opt-in, and add a hidden field to your main form to capture the user's country. This field will be used to determine which form to route the user to.

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