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App install Failed: "internal server error"

Posted on by 2
When we try to install an app from AppSource we get an error: internal server error. 
Has anyone experienced this and know of a solution?
Microsoft Operation ID: cc7aaccc-7b99-40e8-86a3-ed2b19263ca3
Business Central AppID: 3b416018-6c8b-4f97-8bf5-9ed786843820
Operation Details:
Status: Failed
Error: A request to the Data Plane Admin Service failed with an internal server error.
Http status code: InternalServerError Error: { "code": "Unknown", "message": "The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake." }
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 63,522 Super User on at
    App install Failed: "internal server error"
    How did you install the AppSource extension? Directly from the Marketplace?
    Or from a Direct URL?
    This is just my guess, this could be a partner's security measure to prevent unauthorized users from installing it.
    If this is a free app or a trial app, you can try to contact the partner and ask them to confirm whether it is a problem with their extension.
    Hope this helps.
  • Valentin Castravet Profile Picture
    Valentin Castravet 6,622 Super User on at
    App install Failed: "internal server error"
    You can try to install it in a completely different environment as well to see if perhaps the issue is there. Or if you would like you could link to the app here and see if it works for other users to install it.
  • Jun Wang Profile Picture
    Jun Wang 5,508 Super User on at
    App install Failed: "internal server error"
    some steps to consider
    retry install, check server status
  • gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 4,646 Super User on at
    App install Failed: "internal server error"
    It seems that it is a problem with the appsource application, you could send the question to the provider.

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