In Dynamics 365, setting up an activity calendar view can be a bit tricky, especially with the out-of-the-box (OOB) Activity entity. Here are some steps and considerations that should help you ensure that your OOB activities (such as Appointments and Phone Calls) are visible in the calendar view:
Scheduled Start
and Scheduled End
).Scheduled Start
and Scheduled End
fields, as these fields determine which dates are shown on the calendar.If you've tried all the above steps and the issue persists, there could be a bug with the Calendar Control itself on the OOB Activity entity. In that case, here are two additional suggestions:
Open a Support Ticket with Microsoft – This could be a bug specific to your version or environment, so opening a ticket might get you a resolution or a workaround from Microsoft support.
Consider Using a Power Apps Calendar Component – As a workaround, you can create a custom calendar view using Power Apps or Power BI, which pulls in the Activity data and displays it in a calendar format. This approach offers more flexibility and can avoid potential limitations with the OOB Calendar Control.
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