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How to run a report and convert it to Base64 string.

Posted on by 21
Hi  All,

We are working on on-prem Business Central , i want to create pdf of sales order using AL code. Actually i want to run my sales order report in al code then i want to convert it on base64 so after that i can send this base64 string to API.

Does anyone have any idea about this, how we can do this.
Thanks for Help.
  • Suggested answer
    Sami Ullah Profile Picture
    Sami Ullah 40 on at
    How to run a report and convert it to Base64 string.
    Please try this code.
        ReportSelections: Record "Report Selections"; 
        TempReportSelections: Record "Report Selections" temporary; 
        TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; 
        Base64Convert: Codeunit "Base64 Convert"; 
        outStreamReport: OutStream; 
        inStreamReport: InStream; 
        ReportUsage: Enum "Report Selection Usage"; 
        DocumentPrint: Codeunit "Document-Print"; 
        SourceRecordRef: RecordRef; 
        SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; 
        DocumentBase64: Text; 
        // If you already have a RecordRef, you can skip the next four lines.
        if not SalesHeader.FindFirst() then 
            // For testing purposes, retrieving the first record of the Sales Header.
            // In your real scenario, replace this with the necessary conditions.
        // Set the filter on SalesHeader to be used for the RecordRef.
        // Assign the SalesHeader record to the SourceRecordRef.
        ReportUsage := DocumentPrint.GetSalesDocTypeUsage(SalesHeader); 
        // Determine the report usage based on the document type of the Sales Header.
        ReportSelections.FindReportUsageForCust(ReportUsage, SalesHeader."No.", TempReportSelections); 
        // Find the appropriate report selection for the customer based on the report usage and Sales Header number.
        // Store the result in a temporary Report Selections record (TempReportSelections).
        // Create an output stream in the TempBlob to store the generated report.
            TempBlob, TempReportSelections."Report ID", 
            SourceRecordRef, TempReportSelections."Custom Report Layout Code", ReportUsage
        // Save the selected report as a PDF into TempBlob using the specified report ID, 
        // custom report layout, and report usage.
        // Create an input stream from the TempBlob to read the PDF report data.
        DocumentBase64 := Base64Convert.ToBase64(inStreamReport, false);
        // Convert the report data from the input stream to a Base64-encoded string 
        // and assign it to the DocumentBase64 variable.
  • Suggested answer
    Nitin Verma Profile Picture
    Nitin Verma 21,013 Moderator on at
    How to run a report and convert it to Base64 string.
    You can try as below
            TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob";
            ReportInStream: InStream;
            ReportOutStream: OutStream;
    Base64Convert: Codeunit "Base64 Convert"; TempBlob.CreateOutStream(ReportOutStream); Report.SaveAs(ReportID, '', ReportFormat::Html, ReportOutStream, RecordRef); TempBlob.CreateInStream(ReportInStream); ReportInStream.ReadText(BodyText);

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