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Item barcode via Item reference or Gtin code

Posted on by 65
I've seen on some other forums where Item barcodes are setup in the Item references as reference type barcode. How does this work? I fairly new to barcodes on Items. I simply input a number into the Gtin field and it allowed me to create a barcode on the Item card. Why use Item references? Any resources, links would be useful.
  • YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 63,560 Super User on at
    Item barcode via Item reference or Gtin code
    I think it can be simply understood as whether this item needs multiple barcode management. For example, if the barcode of customer A is different from the barcode of customer B, Item Reference is needed.
    Hope this helps.
  • Valentin Castravet Profile Picture
    Valentin Castravet 6,637 Super User on at
    Item barcode via Item reference or Gtin code
    Item references allow you to link barcodes to specific items. This is useful when the barcode doesn't match your internal item number.
    For example:
    • Direct match: If scanning a barcode produces '123' and your item number is also '123', no item reference is needed.
    • Indirect match: If scanning a barcode produces 'ABC' but your internal item number is '123', you'd set up an item reference. This reference would tell your system that barcode 'ABC' corresponds to item number '123'.
  • Jun Wang Profile Picture
    Jun Wang 5,508 Super User on at
    Item barcode via Item reference or Gtin code
    you could refer to the link to help your understanding
  • gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 4,675 Super User on at

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