I created a table with the following fields:
Number Id codeX codeY Field1
1 id1 codex1 codey1 fieldz
2 id2 codex1 codey1 fieldz
now in SalesLine, i created a new recId field that has a relation with the recId from the table above.
i added this field in salesTable form as a reference group, and i overrided the lookup method to return codeX, Id, codeY and Field1 only
The lookup seems to work fine, however when i type in the field to filter values for codeX, like typing codex1, it doesn't return anything. But if i type in the field the value "1" which is the number field, then it returns results for codeX. (even though number field doesn't appear in the lookup)
I suspect the issue is because of the index replacement key
So I created a new index with codeX, Id, codeY and Field1, and made this one the replacement key instead. Now when i type values for codeX, the filter works but now when i choose a value, the value appears combined with the 4 values of the 4 fields. Can I only see codeX after i choose a value instead of the 4 values?