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Prepayments logic seems changed

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Since the last BC updated to v. 24.0 the prepayments seems to be changed.
I have a Sales Order for qty. 10 and Line Amount = 1000. I post a Prepayment invoice for 100% and then apply a payment. So on the cusomer ledger entries I have an invoice that is closed with a payment entry. Then the Sales Order is Released.
Point 1: Then I can reopen the Sales Order and decrease the qty or the price, which will decrease the Line Amount. This was not possible before because there was validation. Line Amount on the sales line couldn't be less than the Prepmt. Amt Inv. , i.e. your currentl sales line amount can't be less than what your already posted on the prepayment. It was possible only to increase the Line Amount throuhg qty or price.
Point 2: What is even stranger now is that I can even delete this Sales Order, although I have a not deducted prepayment amount of 1000. Again this action wasn't allowed before if there was a value on the Prepayment Amount to Deduct on the Sales line. 
I am kind of OK with Point 1, because before it was very hard to modify sales lines when a prepayment invoice was posted. And now it is easy.
But Point 2 is going to create some discrepancies for the customers, because I don't seems to find a way to track the non-deducted Prepayments on the subledger level.
Same is valid for purchases.
Has any of you encountered this issue? Is there a setup to change the behaviour?
Thank you
  • Suggested answer
    Valentin Castravet Profile Picture
    Valentin Castravet 8,087 Super User on at
    Prepayments logic seems changed
    I tried to recreate your issue, I was not able to lower the unit price or delete a sales order that has had a prepayment invoice posted for 100% of the sales amount. It works the same for me as it did in previous versions. This is my version: CA Business Central 24.2 (Platform 24.0.22059.0 + Application 24.2.20227.20460)

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