A customer is using 01Jan-31Dec fiscal calendar. But due to change company's legal status in 31th July, they need to make a closing in 31th July and opening in 1st August.
I created a new closing period for 31th July. But was not able to create a opennig period for 1st August...
Moreover when I try to make year end close for 31th July closing period system throws an error (2nd screen)
Can you advise me a way to make a closing in 31th July and opening in 1st August?
All previous posters are correct. You can edit your existing fiscal year to split it into two separate years, as long as there are no transactions in any of the future periods. Then close the first year (in the US, we call this a 'stub year') and continue transaction processing in the 'new' year, Aug 1-Jul 31, 2025.
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