and this is the code in clicked method of Ok Button... I want to open the details(Header and Lines) of the newly created record :
It opens the details but the cursor still pointing to the new record.. and whenever I open another record the lines of this record don't appear... When I click add line in another record it adds it to the last record created that the arrow points at!
I thought there's an error with myExecuteQuery()but it's working fine:
It seems your issue on the code that you added on the execute query method, try to trace the code when you select another row in the main grid and see what the current buffer is of Quotation Table.
Trace the code and tell me the result.
Waed Ayyad
If this helped, please mark it as "Verified" for others facing the same issue
The dialog form adds a record and opens the details (Lines and header) of the newly added record automatically, The QuotationId of that record is written beside the label "Quotation".
When I go back to the main grid and click on another record it should show the lines related to that record.. well, it doesn't show anything.. it only shows the lines of the last added record when I click it, any other record there are no lines for it!
The problem is.. when I open the QuotationTask form from the dialog, it filters the records by the record sent in args.
I don't know how to disable this filter... in the executeQuery() of QuotationTable and QuotationLine I make sure that I clear ranges of the datasource before adding a new range!
I removed the code in executeQuery() of QuotationLine and the records still filtered by the record passed in Args!
First try to comment the code on the executeQuery and check how the form will open.
Waed Ayyad
If this helped, please mark it as "Verified" for others facing the same issue
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