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MS Bookings Integration with D365 Sales

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We have a team of sales reps who are currently manually booking in their own appointments with customers usually via email/phone discussion, then creating an appointment in outlook calendar. I am looking at MS Bookings to enable customers to book their own appointments, and this would sync up with the relevant sales rep's diary.
My question is, could we theoretically set MS bookings up and have that integrate with the outlook calendars of all the reps, and then take that further and integrate the sales reps outlook calendars into D365 Sales, whilst keeping the visibility and as much functionality as possible of MS Bookings? 
The goal here is for office staff to be able to go into D365 sales, and make an appointment in the rep's diary, and for this to pull into their outlook calendar and show as unavailable in MS Bookings. Likewise, it would be nice if a customer could book an appointment through MS Bookings (shared on our webpage), and for this to pull into D365 where we could ideally create a workflow to trigger tasks, etc. 
Any insight appreciated. Thanks!
  • Suggested answer
    Daivat Profile Picture
    Daivat 501 on at
    MS Bookings Integration with D365 Sales
    Hello AJ-09070847-0,

    What you're describing is achievable with Microsoft's integration tools! Here's how you can set up MS Bookings to integrate with your sales reps' Outlook calendars and Dynamics 365 Sales:

    The Hero: Microsoft Power Automate

    Microsoft Power Automate (formerly Flow) is the key to connecting these different services. It allows you to create automated workflows that react to specific events.

    The Workflow:

    1. Customer Books Appointment:

      • When a customer books an appointment through MS Bookings (shared on your webpage), a trigger will fire in Power Automate.

    2. Sync with Outlook Calendar:

      • Based on the booking details, The workflow can create a new appointment in the relevant sales rep's Outlook calendar. This ensures the rep's time is blocked and avoids double bookings.

    3. Sync with Dynamics 365 Sales (Optional):

      • Power Automate can also create a new "Activity" record in Dynamics 365 Sales for the booked appointment. This record can include details like customer information, appointment time, and notes.

    4. Trigger Workflows in D365 (Optional):

      • Creating an activity record in Dynamics 365 can trigger further automated workflows within the CRM system. This could involve sending reminder emails, assigning tasks to the rep, or updating relevant sales pipelines.

    Benefits and Considerations:

    • Improved Efficiency: Automating appointment booking reduces manual work for sales reps and office staff.

    • Centralized Data: Appointment information is stored in MS Bookings and Dynamics 365, providing a holistic view of customer interactions.

    • Flexibility: Power Automate allows for customization based on your specific needs.

    Things to Consider:

    • Power Automate Licensing: You might need specific Power Automate licenses for your team depending on the complexity of your workflows.

    • Data Mapping: Ensure proper field mapping between MS Bookings, Outlook, and Dynamics 365 to ensure data accuracy.

    • Testing and Training: Thoroughly test your workflows before deployment and train your team on the new processes.

    Additional Resources:

    By implementing this integration, you can create a seamless experience for your sales reps and customers, improve scheduling efficiency, and leverage the power of Dynamics 365 Sales for better customer relationship management.


    If my answer was helpful, please click Like, and if it solved your problem, please mark it as verified to help other community members find more.
    If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me.
    Best Regards,
    Daivat Vartak

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