I have one flow where I am updating the job partner field ( user ) on msydn_project , whenever user changes its job partner field. I found that when old job partner is disabled user , and new job partner value provided by user when it updates it throws and error and does not allow to proceed in flow. Below is the error descriptoin. Anyone could help me how to rectify it and probable root cause of it.
"error": {
"code": "0x80040265",
"message": "Project estimated labor cost is not editable once there are one or more tasks in the project.",
"@Microsoft.PowerApps.CDS.ErrorDetails.Plugin.PluginTrace": "[Microsoft.Dynamics.ProjectService.Plugins: Microsoft.Dynamics.ProjectService.Plugins.PreValidatemsdyn_projectUpdate]\r\n[989761fb-2ec9-449f-93c3-ea93b28916d8: Project Service - Pre validate of scheduling fields on update of msdyn_project]\r\n",
"@Microsoft.PowerApps.CDS.TraceText": "[Microsoft.Dynamics.ProjectService.Plugins: Microsoft.Dynamics.ProjectService.Plugins.PostResourceAssignmentUpdate]\r\n[2c2856ca-b842-ea11-a81e-000d3ac406c6: Project Service - PostResourceAssignmentUpdate]\r\n\r\n\t[Microsoft.Dynamics.ProjectService.Plugins: Microsoft.Dynamics.ProjectService.Plugins.ResourcePostProjectTaskUpdate]\r\n\t[07cff036-6859-e411-80cb-00155db9c106: Project Service - ResourcePostProjectTaskUpdate]\r\n\t\r\n\t\tPII Removed. Length: 243",
"@Microsoft.PowerApps.CDS.InnerError.Message": "Project estimated labor cost is not editable once there are one or more tasks in the project."
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