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Dynamics 365 Reports Not Editable

Posted on by 6
A few weeks ago, I was able to edit the report and now whenever I click on the edit button, it takes me to the Report Viewer Page instead of the pop up window.  The workaround I got at the moment is to delete the report and then add the updated report.
Is there a setting that I should be changing?  Is it a security role issue?  Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
  • DO-13060804-0 Profile Picture
    DO-13060804-0 6 on at
    Dynamics 365 Reports Not Editable
    Thanks TT-04071226-0!!!
    I changed the URL and that work.  
    For those looking at this in the future, I have been told from my Vendor, who raised a support ticket, that this is a MS Issue and that this will be resolved by the end of July 2024.
  • TT-04071226-0 Profile Picture
    TT-04071226-0 2 on at
    Dynamics 365 Reports Not Editable
    We have seen the same in the last weeks at several customers. We did not log a MS support ticket, because of easy workarounds. It is, however, a MS issue. It opens the viewer page instead of the edit page. Workarounds are: Go to your App selector and select the legacy WEB app. There the edit works fine. If you do not see the WEB app, you need to look in to your settings to enable it. Second workaround: Open the "Edit" report and modify the URL. Replace  /viewer/viewer with /reportproperty  and hit enter. 
    It seems to be a bug that opens the viewer instead of the editor. 
  • DO-13060804-0 Profile Picture
    DO-13060804-0 6 on at
    Dynamics 365 Reports Not Editable
    Thanks for the tip.  I tried it out and no cigar.  See screen shot.
  • CP-03071506-0 Profile Picture
    CP-03071506-0 2 on at
    Dynamics 365 Reports Not Editable
    You can still get to the previous edit window by using the old advanced find.
  • DO-13060804-0 Profile Picture
    DO-13060804-0 6 on at
    Dynamics 365 Reports Not Editable
    Hello @Dengliang
    Thank you for your reply.  Unfortunately, the custom reports that I have created don't have the report wizard option visible when I click on "File" on the Report Filter Page. 
    However, I was able to go to the advance settings to modify the system created reports.
    Is there a setting within a role that needs to be set for the report table to allow me to see the report wizard option for custom reports?
    Thank you for your help so far.
  • Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    Dynamics 365 Reports Not Editable
    Only custom created reports have the Report Wizard option.
    System created reports do not have the Report Wizard option.
    For reports created by the system, you can go to Advanced Settings->Customization->Reports Component->Click a report to edit it.
    If my answer was helpful, please click Like, and if it solved your problem, please mark it as verified to help other community members find more.
    If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me .
    Best Regards,
    Dengliang Li
  • DO-13060804-0 Profile Picture
    DO-13060804-0 6 on at
    Dynamics 365 Reports Not Editable
    Hi @DengLiang
    Thank you for the quick reply.  I get the following options when I click on file.  As you can see, I don't get the report wizard. 
  • Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    Dynamics 365 Reports Not Editable
    You can click the File button in the upper left corner to enter the editing interface.
    If my answer was helpful, please click Like, and if it solved your problem, please mark it as verified to help other community members find more.
    If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me .
    Best Regards,
    Dengliang Li

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