I have a small D365 dev environment with 3 users. When 1 of those users is viewing the card for an Account (doesn't matter which Account), the only form available is the OBB "Account" form. The drop-down arrow to the right of the form name (circled in red below, as seen by a different user) is missing for the problematic user:
Because that arrow is missing, he can't choose any other form, whether OOB or custom. The other two users see what is pictured above, and can change to other OOB and custom forms. When viewing a Contact's card, the problematic user sees the drop-down arrow and can change forms, just like the other 2 users. The problematic user has tried different browsers but the result is the same. All 3 users have a single role (System Administrator), are members of the same Team and generally seem to be configured identically.
Any suggestions? Thank you!