I have the following business model:
One Distributor and many Dealers (all companies are independent Legal Entities).
In D365O I need to create a workflow for warranty requisition approval process.
Very short description of the process:
- The warranty case has happened with device which was sold through the Dealers’ network.
- The Dealer (Initiator) repaired the devise and created in D365O a warranty requisition (for reimbursement). Than the Initiator Submit a Workflow.
- The Distributor (Approver) has to take a decision – (Approve, or Reject, or Request Change).
In this post http://smcdax.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/single-company-multi-comapmy-in.html (which is related to AX2012) I found that “In multi-company one can have problem; the reason behind the problem is; Microsoft Dynamics AX Architecture allows you to have workflow batch setup only once. E.g. if you have 10 companies and you setup workflow infrastructure in one company say company-6; you will see that this setup is done automatically in each company. The reason behind this is that as per architecture of Microsoft Dynamics AX, BatchJob (Table) has a property (Save data per company) as No. This makes dynamics ax workflow structure complex and less useful. So if you have to operate a workflow across the companies, you need to have shared table and you need to operate your workflow on that table.”
My GOAL is to create ONE Workflow process (in Distributor Legal Entity) which will be applicable to ALL Dealers.
The question: is it possible (in D365O) to create Cross-Company Workflow? If – yes, any help is appreciated (particularly, I need to implement the business model described above)
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