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Best way to know if information is up-to-date

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I'm looking for ideas on how to make it possible for any user to get a sense of whether the info displayed on a form is likely to be up-to-date.

Considering that the field "Last modified" is automatically updated even if a user has merely changed a typo in one of the form's fields but has not really reviewed and updated substantial info, I was considering making the whole thing something more "deliberate". 

Would it be possible to add a button or checkbox, which users could click on after properly reviewing the available info, and have this fill a date/time field immediately next to this button/checkbox?  

Does this make sense? Are there better ways to achieve this? Am I complicating thing unnecessarily? 


  • GVF Profile Picture
    GVF 10 on at
    RE: Best way to know if information is up-to-date

    Thanks a lot, Linn!

  • Verified answer
    Linn Zaw Win Profile Picture
    Linn Zaw Win 3,407 on at
    RE: Best way to know if information is up-to-date

    Yes, that is possible. In the workflow that updates the date/time, set the value of Two Options field to No as well.

    If the Two Options field is being shown as a checkbox, change it back to two radio button on the form, configure the workflow and set the value to No, then, change the control back to a checkbox on the form.


  • GVF Profile Picture
    GVF 10 on at
    RE: Best way to know if information is up-to-date

    Thanks Hao! It was indeed that. All solved now.

    One final detail, if I may: to make it work more as a "button", would it be possible to add a step making the checkbox go back to "No"?

    Like that, when updating the record again in the future, users wouldn't need to get it from Yes to No and to Yes again, for the system to register the new date.

    Thanks a lot in advance!  

  • Verified answer
    LuHao Profile Picture
    LuHao 40,874 on at
    RE: Best way to know if information is up-to-date

    Hi GVF,

    This field is locked in your workflow.

    Set it as not read-only in the form, and then try to update it in the workflow, see it it is unlocked.


  • GVF Profile Picture
    GVF 10 on at
    RE: Best way to know if information is up-to-date

    Hi  Hao!

    Thanks a lot for this! It's exactly what I had in mind and the step-by-step explanation is really helpful. 

    Still, I can't figure out why but I'm stuck in the last step/screenshot.

    I understand that I must click on the "Review Time" field in order to be able to set the Process/Execution Time options on the right-hand panel, right?

    The thing is, unlike yours, my field appears as a date one I can't click on (see below -sorry it's not in English).


    Any idea what it is I'm doing wrong?

    Thanks a lot!

  • Verified answer
    LuHao Profile Picture
    LuHao 40,874 on at
    RE: Best way to know if information is up-to-date

    Hi GVF,

    Agree with Linn.

    Here are steps.

    1) New a two option field and a date and time field.




    2) Add these two fields on the form.


    Set date and time field to read-only.


    If you need each form to have its own checkbox field and date field, then new multiple two option fields and date fields, add each field to the corresponding form.

    3) New a workflow.


    Record fields change.


    Check condition.


    Update record, use Execution Time(Process) to update the date and time field.


    Activate the workflow.

    In this way, when user check the two option field, the date and time field will change to the current time.

  • Verified answer
    Linn Zaw Win Profile Picture
    Linn Zaw Win 3,407 on at
    RE: Best way to know if information is up-to-date

    I have never seen such a requirement in any of my projects though. We had a similar requirement but it is more like recording the approval date/time of the record.

    Back to your requirement, it is possible to create another date/time field "Reviewed On" and add a checkbox "Reviewed" next to it. After properly reviewing the available info, the user can check the "Reviewed" checkbox which will auto-populate the "Reviewed On" with current date/time. And auto-uncheck the "Reviewed" onSave of the record to allow the user to check again. All of this can be done with simple JavaScript.

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