I want to create a gif-file. I get hex-code from a webservice which I need to convert to a file.
The response from the webservice is for example "474946383961de00de00f00" which I need to write to a .gif file.
When I try the following example, it doesn't return the "00", so when I open the file in an hexeditor I still get "474946383961dedef0".
How can I do that?
static void Job00001(Args _args) { AsciiIO asciiFile; int i; #file container c; ; c = "47"; c = "49"; c = "46"; c = "38"; c = "39"; c = "61"; c = "de"; c = "00"; c = "de"; c = "00"; c = "f0"; c = "00"; c = "00"; c = "00"; c = "00"; c = "00"; c = "00"; c = "ff"; c = "ff"; c = "ff"; c = "2c"; asciiFile = new asciiIo(@"C:\temp\file.gif", #io_write); for (i=1; i<=conlen(c); i =1) { asciiFile.writeChar(hex2int(conpeek(c, i))); } info("END"); }