Is there such a thing as an API for GP? I simply use SQL and stored procedure to query the database.
Is there such a thing as an API for GP? I simply use SQL and stored procedure to query the database.
Where can I find documentation on how to use SOAP to access data in GP from an outside source?
Can you provide a link? Doing a generic search yields mostly Dynamics 365 stuff.
To access the Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains API Swagger documentation directly, navigate to Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains API Documentation.Direct2HR.
David, the client has outsourced the warehouse. The folks running the WMS that is running Oracle SX was asking if GP had an API. I think I will ask them what they need and decide which tool to use.
Hi Richard
There are many APIs for Microsoft Dynamics GP.
eConnect, REST Web Services, SOAP Web Services, Dexterity APIs
However, if you just want to read data you can use SQL directly.
If you need to access data from outside the network, you can use Service Based Architecture with the SOAP based web services to read data. If there isn't a node for the data you want, GP Power Tools can create custom Web Services to perform any task, so you can use it to create additional nodes for any table in any product.
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