I have been struggling with an issue, and am also somewhat an amateur developer as well.
I have a php function, which creates a new sales line to an existing blanket sales order. I do this via both update and update_multiple methods.
I can create new sales lines, and my code works all the time. If i add to my code ability to set the "Unit_Price", i get an error:
The Sales Line already exists. Identification fields and values: Document Type='Blanket Order',Document No.='3060',Line No.='10000'
If i write some code that first creates the blanket order, and then updates it with sales lines, i can make it work. The code for update is more or less the same.
The sales line as far as i can see, is always new, even if the blanket order itself is new or old. Or is this where i am wrong?
The only solution i see this far, is to re-read the order after i have put everything but the unit_price, and then set the price only. I am struggling on how to identify the line to edit, since there is no identical key, except the "key". What i am trying to say, how do i know which key i want to make an update to, after i have created a new line. NAV does not say "you just created xxx with key xxx. I have to read the order and somewhat guess which line i just created.
Anywho, here is my code:
$service = new NTLMSoapClient($pageURL); $blanketorder = new stdClass(); $sq = new stdClass(); $update = new stdClass(); // Read order to update foreach ($varelinjeny as $order1) { $blanketorder = array('No' => $order1[onr]); $result = $service->Read($blanketorder); $blanket = $result->OrderCard; $key = $result->OrderCard->Key;
//Set the key to use for update-message later on $sq->Key = $key; $ii = 0; $i = -1; foreach ($varelinjeny as $ordre1) { $ii++; unset ($salesLine); $salesLine = new stdClass();
// $salesLine->Key = $ii;; //this only works if i create the order first
$vare = explode("|",$ordre1[varenr]); $i++; $salesLine->Type = 'Item'; $salesLine->No = $vare[0];
$salesLine->Unit_Price = "123"; //comment out this, and code is ok if ($ordre1[otf] == 'on') { $salesLine->One_time_fee = 'true'; } else { $salesLine->One_time_fee = ''; } $salesLine->Antall_opprinnelig_bestil = $ordre1[antall];
//some custom fields if (!empty($ordre1[nocat])) { $salesLine->Username = $ordre1[nocat]; } if (!empty($ordre1[linespeed])) { $salesLine->Line_Speed = $ordre1[linespeed]; } if (!empty($ordre1[binding])) { $salesLine->Subscription_Time = $ordre1[binding]; } if (!empty($ordre1[smbnr])) { $salesLine->Communication_Number = $ordre1[smbnr]; } // Add SalesLineList to SalesQuote $sq->SalesLines[$i] = $salesLine; } } $update->OrderCard = $sq; $result = $service->Update($update);
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