I have imported XBRL taxonomy dated 14/12/2015, generated the file and controlled it.
I have the following errors:
Instance validation failure compared to the taxonomy reference.
Tips: • the XBRL instance must comply with the formal rules laid down by the current XBRL Taxonomy published on the website of the CNIPA (www.cnipa.gov.it/.../Tassonomia_XBRL).
• Possible cause: presence of characters outside of the xml tags
• Possible cause is: tag (budget item) not covered by taxonomy
• Possible cause: lack of annuality (contexts)
• Possible cause is: annuity date format (contexts) is incorrect
• Possible cause: presence of numbers with decimals or expressed in scientific notation
• Make sure that the instrument of generating XBRL instance is up to date
• Rebuild the XBRL instance files
• Run the validation step with TEBE, and verify no longer appear error messages
Are there any settings to do to resolve these errors? Thank you
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