I am using SharePoint Online out of the box integration in Dynamics CRM 365 to store the documents and I am not using 'Based on Entity' folder structure configuration.
I have a requirement to show all the documents on parent record in a single view either using document integration or using Sub-grid or any other possible way.
For example:
Let's say I have a contact ABC and on contact ABC form record I am showing Child 1 records and Child 2 records in different sub grids where both Child 1 and Child 2 are integrated with SharePoint to store documents. So, I have uploaded Doc1 on Child 1 record and Doc 2 on Child 2 record separately. Now, I would like to see both Doc 1 and Doc 2 on the Contact ABC record.
Is it possible in any way. Please suggest. (I have tried using Flow to copy the document location but it didn't work and also I know if we use folder structure based on entity we can able to see all the documents from all the child entity records but now it is too late to change the design which was already configured)
Many thanks in advance.