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Modern POS Hardware Station

Posted on by 625

I've been working with a team to install all the components for Modern POS.  We've been able to install everything without a hitch and were able to connect tablets just fine.  The problem we're having now is that after we install the Hardware Station, how do you go about installing devices and attaching it to the hardware station so the tablets can use them?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Modern POS Hardware Station

    Hello Hassan,

    I have created new thread and paste error message there

    please note : when i am using windows driver, receipt is coming but not with correct format. its printing right side and values are not coming properly, and when using OPOS it is giving error as per new thread.

  • Suggested answer
    Hassan_rulz Profile Picture
    Hassan_rulz 3,801 on at
    RE: Modern POS Hardware Station

    Hi Kunal,

    Can you share error detail and screenshot?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Modern POS Hardware Station

    Hello Manish,

    did you find any solutions on this? I have the same problem

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    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Modern POS Hardware Station

    For option 1, what does the event viewer say?  Does it give a more detailed error?  Could there be a certificate authentication problem with the Retail Server?

    For option 2, is that your full URL?  I've never used ipc://localhost before.  Could you use http://localhost:&lt;port>/<name of hardware station>?  Does the Epson printer so you can test printing and verify that you have the correct printer name?

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    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Modern POS Hardware Station


    So I have two issues here

    1. If I am using the hardware station url, then when I am going to Hardware Station form, I cannot pair the hardware station.(That is, when I click on the Pair button, I get error message that "Pairing Error.Error connected with the server".

    2. When I am using the ipc://localhost, then it activates and pair but cannot find the printer during receipt printing.

    I have set the hardware profile with OPOS, my driver is OPOS driver for Epson Printer. Have done everything on Hardware Profile.

    I have worked on Epos previously but first take with MPOS.

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    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Modern POS Hardware Station


    Is this your first POS system you're working on?  Do you have any experience with ePOS?  Depending on the driver you used will determine how to set it up on the hardware profile.  I always used OPOS drivers, so I chose the OPOS for each of the peripherals.  

    You talk about Hardware Profile, then you talk about Channel Profile...these are two separate things.  The Channel Profile takes in the name of your Retail Server and your Hardware Station.  Such as http://<server name>:<port>/<name of service>

    After that's set up then you also have to set up the peripherals separate on the Hardware Profile.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Modern POS Hardware Station

    I have installed the drivers for each of the peripherals. but i am not sure how to set up it in hardware profile. I know there is an option of giving it on the channel profile but how to know the urls of the peripherals.

    Also, can you share your email id..we can discuss this offline.


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    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Modern POS Hardware Station

    If the HardwareStation has been installed on the device itself, then you'll also need to install the drivers for each of the peripherals and set them up on the Hardware Profile.  If you've used ePOS before, mPOS uses the same Hardware Profile method that ePOS did.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Modern POS Hardware Station

    I have installed MPOS in the tablet. This is a docking station which we will be using going forward. All the peripherals will be attached to this docking station only. Can anybody help me with the steps to configure Printers,Cash drawers,scanners etc. I have installed the hardware station on the tablet only as I will not be having any other machine to install peripherals to.

    A quick response will be highly appriciated.

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    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Modern POS Hardware Station

    The Hardware Station is basically what it sounds like, the place which controls all the hardware.  So any peripheral you want to use from mPOS needs to be installed on the server that you have Hardware Station on.  You'll also need to add the same peripheral on the Hardware Profile that is selected for the mPOS terminal.  Also make sure you've pushed the necessary jobs: Channel Configuration (1070) for Hardware Station and Register (1090) for Hardware Profile.

    Next you'll need to log onto the mPOS terminal and activate the hardware station as seen in my comment earlier.  This should allow the device to print to the printer.  Is this a receipt printer or a normal printer?  

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