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Implementing a dynamic fee for opportunities/quotes/orders

Posted on by 4
Scenario: for all opportunities/quotes/orders, I need to add a couple of line items that are calculated based on subtotals from the Opportunity Line/Quote Line/Order Line fields.
1) I need to add percentage-based fee that's based on the Extended Total (pre-tax) for the entire opportunity/quote/order, then have that added before calculating total tax for the order
2) I need to add a rate-based transportation fee that's calculated using the combined extended amount for opportunity/quote/product lines with the subject set as /Transportation/
I'm using the /Subject/ field in products to group items on the generated documents for a table containing line items and autocalculated subtotals,  but I'd like to implement something in the Quote to Order process that adds in these mandatory fees automatically and auto calculates them.
What can you recommend to implement these?
  • SescoDev Profile Picture
    SescoDev 4 on at
    Implementing a dynamic fee for opportunities/quotes/orders
    Dengliang Li,
    Thanks for replying; for one of the fees, I'd be using the pre-freight amount. My initial instinct is to add that as a calculated field based off the "detail amount" value. The trouble is, I'm unsure how to make sure that value gets passed to the "Total Value" or which tables I should customize to make that happen.

    For the second fee, it's essentially a freight charge based on the grouped extended price total for products sharing the "Transportation" value in the Subject field. Since the rate charged varies based on national fuel prices, ideally I'd need the rate calculated based on a lookup to a custom connector/virtual table. But I'm unsure what the best way in Dataverse is to add columns that can capture these calculated values then pass them to the "Total Price" fields.
    The 2nd example you posted looks exactly like how I'd want the front-end to look. Where would you recommend I start to make a similar customization to my forms?
  • Suggested answer
    Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    Implementing a dynamic fee for opportunities/quotes/orders
    There is no OOB feature that will achieve your goals, this needs to be achieved through customization.
    Do you mean the Extended Amount as the sum of the /Pre-Freight Amount/ field and the /Freight Amount/ field values?
    Do you want to add two fields to calculate the percentage-based fee and rate-based transportation fee?
    Then, ultimately, the value of the two additional fields will be added to the value of the /Total Amount/ field?
    Best Regards,
    Dengliang Li

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