we nee to integrate a Payment Provider for our Customer.
The Documentation on how to create a payment gateway site and integrate a payment provider provides a general overview but no detailed information / sample code hot to really implement this.
There is a more detailed article from Bruce Sithole https://www.bruce365.com/2020/02/24/using-stripe-as-a-payment-gateway-for-dynamics-365-marketing/ which describes the process morre detailed, but also provides no code samples.
Is there anywhere a real sample available on how to integrate a payment provider ?
Hi Christian,
Please note the following statement in the doc.
The code is supplied by your provider.
So the sample code depends on your provider and the URL to request from Dynamics 365 Marketing is also needed to be told to the provider.
Sorry, but no.
as written above the Documentation on how to create a payment gateway site and integrate a payment provider provides a general overview but no detailed information / sample code hot to really implement this.
Please refer to the following documentation:
Add a payment gateway to your event website (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Docs
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