How can a partial payment be unapplied to a particular customer and reapplied to the correct customer?
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How can a partial payment be unapplied to a particular customer and reapplied to the correct customer?
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As mentioned by Tharanga, you may unapply and reverse the payment, and make a fresh payment entry to the correct customer.
There is no way by which you can apply the entry from one customer to another.
Best Regards,
You can un-apply the entry by going the Customer Card, Ledger Entries. Find the incorrect Payment. With your curser on this line, select the Actions button -> Functions -> Unapply Entries.
Un-applying the entry will leave the Payment entry on the Customer Card but it will now have the amount of the invoice and the payment restored in the ‘Remaining Amount’ fields. Once this step is done, you can correctly apply the payment to the correct customer
You cannot do this in NAV. If you have post the payment to a "Customer A" by a mistake when the payment is due from "Customer B", then you need to reverse the payment from the Customer A and then post a new transaction to Customer B.
You cannot apply a payment of "Customer A" to "Customer B"
During unapply, the reverse transactions is happened that is the earlier transaction is reversed.
So if you unapply a payment, the entry reversing earlier transactions are posted.
You need to post fresh Receipt voucher entries for applying to new customer.
I don't think that you can apply the payment entry from one customer to another.
Make a Screenshot of your Problem.
Go to Customer->Click Ledger Entry ->Then go to the particular entry. ->Click Unapply.
Once you unapply the enntry then you can apply it to another entry.
Can you show a screenshot, why cant you unapply?
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