Hello All,
I'm trying to understand how email-to-timeline importing works for tracking purposes. We came off a helpdesk solution that was rather pretty easy to do. Copy the helpdesk address onto an email, include the ticket number in the subject, and that conversation is now being tracked on the ticket. Easy Peasy.
I'm trying to get emails to track on the timeline of a case in Customer Service Hub. When a case is created I have a flow that sends an email (from the email belonging to the queue) out to our support team distribution group. . I get the email in my inbox, but it takes at least 3 minutes to get the "tracking in dynamics" icon and for me to be able to track/regard this email. Before i get the icon it tells me:
Once setting this email to regarding the case in outlook after a few minutes it appears in the timeline. Here is my first question. It seems very impractical that someone would need to be at a Dynamics-enabled email client to manually enable the intelligence needed to get this conversation into the case timeline. Can this be done automatically? Also why does this take me 3 entire minutes to be able to set regarding?
After setting the email to regarding the proper case, I reply to that email and copy in the customer. The email gets imported automatically. Upon the customer replying I get it in my inbox, but again it takes a few minutes in order for it to be "tracked" in dynamics. It doesnt appear on the timeline until its been "tracked". If I reply again before its been "tracked" it NEVER makes it onto the timeline. Again this seems incredibly impracticable that I'd have to let an email sit in my inbox for a few minutes so that its tracked before I can reply to it if I also want the reply to end up on the timeline. If I try to manually track it, I get the message above. Not that I should even have to track it manually to begin with.
Lastly if i received email about this case while I do not have my email client open, any email that is sent to me by the customer in this thread does NOT go into the timeline. There are many instances where another person may take over the case, like for on-call purposes and may need that last bit of information.
Am I doing this all wrong, or missing something very glaring?