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How can I change the color of the "register now" button on an event website?

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Where/How can I customize the colors of my marketing event websites?


  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: How can I change the color of the "register now" button on an event website?

    Hi Sebastian,

    We need to download event website files to add customization, then deploy the customization to Event Portal using an automation script inside the folder.

    You can refer to following community blog posts to learn about how to run event website on local machine and do deployment. author also posted links of documentation tutorial.)

    Here is my method to customize color of the button:

    1. Create a property "colors" to environment.ts file(src\environments), use child property(e.g: color_option) to represent the specific color:

    (Comment some color codes as other options if necessary.)


    colors : {
        color_option: "#68BC49"
        // color_option1: "#006ADB",
        // color_option2: "#6BCDFD",
        // color_option3: "#009DAC",
        // color_option4: "#FF9C01",
        // color_option5: "#68BC49"

    2. Open event.component.html(src\app\components\event), search for the button element, bind [ngStyle="getColor()" directive to both of the buttons.

    (We can see there are two register now buttons, if sessions are not enabled for event, then the top button will be used. If sessions are enabled, the bottom one will be used.)

    (getColor is function to read color property of environment.ts.)


    3. Open event.component.ts located in the same folder as the html, declare a new function getColor with following code.

    public getColor() {
        return {backgroundColor: environment.colors.color_option, borderColor: environment.colors.color_option}


    After above steps we only need to change value of the child property to change color of the button.

    Test 1



    Test 2



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