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RAF Accept Error Checkbox not working

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Good day,

I have a question. I have Accept Error checkbox parameters disabled in AX 2012. Now in RAF, there is a checkbox in the form where it says "Accept Error", I tried checking it if it would override the parameter set in Production parameters. What I noticed is that the checkbox in the form does not change the value, so I get the error "reported as finished quantity exceeds the started quantity.". I debugged the code and what I noticed is that the AcceptError field is not being updated with the form Accept Error checkbox. Anyone familiar on how to resolve this?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: RAF Accept Error Checkbox not working

    Good day,

    Yes I did try it, the parameter in production orders is working, if ticked it ignores errors, and if unticked it will detect errors, but main issue is the Checkbox in the RAF form is not working vice-versa.

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: RAF Accept Error Checkbox not working

    Hi Charos,

    My recommendation would be not using or even 'touching' this parameter.

    If there is a problem with a production order then get things resolved correctly rather than making use of this parameter because it often creates a mess from a finance and accounting perspective. Clarifying this 'mess' and being able to reconcile the related accounting amounts often takes longer than getting things corrected right from the beginning.

    That's my view on this parameter setting.

    Best regards,


  • Suggested answer
    RE: RAF Accept Error Checkbox not working

    Hi Charos,

    Did you try with setting "Accept Error" to Yes in production parameter screen.

    Usually it doesn't require to enable Accept Error checkbox in parameter screen because while doing RAP it automatically override the configuration and should be working fine.

    I tried in my demo environment but in D365 as i don't have AX 2012 and it is working fine. I kept my start up Qty. 15 and did RAF for 20 and checked the "Accept Error" and RAF journal is created without generating any error log.

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