we are trying to synch Accounts (CE) to Customers (FinOps) and it is ok until we fill Tax exempt number in the Account.
When we fill in the Tax exempt number, we receive an error on Save which is coming from a validation in FinOps:
"Unable to write to Finance and Operations apps due to following error(s): {"Write failed for entity Customers V3
with unknown exception - Value 55666777 in the Tax exempt number field is not found for country/region
USA neither in the relating table Tax exempt number table, nor in Registration IDs.\nvalidateField failed on field 'CustCustomerV3Entity.TaxExemptNumber'"}
Please rectify your data and try again. If issue persists after multiple retries, please contact your system administrator."
The error in FinOps can be skipped if we fill in the Tax exempt number in TaxVATNumTable /form: Tax exempt numbers/, but we don't see an option to fill it from CE /automatically or manually/.
Could you please share what may be missing in our setup.