RE: Sort the scrolling window on RM_Cash_Apply by due date?
After comparing the scripts, in the 'RM_Applied_Document_Scroll Apply Select CHG on form RM_Cash_Apply' script, the GetDocDate returns differently. This form has a lot of reference fields so it's hard to figure out where the data is coming from but its seems that the rmOpen form has a different order of documents then the scrolling window does since my trigger changes the scrolling window order. I'm not sure where to go from here. Thanks for any other suggestions.
'GetDocDate() of form ObjHelper', 0/0/0000, 'rmOpenCredit' of window 'RM_Apply_Document' of form 'RM_Cash_Apply', " of form rmOpen"
'GetDocDate of form rmOpen', 4-, 0/0/0000
'GetDocDate() of form rmOpen', 0/0/0000, 4-