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Customer Insights - Journeys forum

Viewing Members of Marketing Segments

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I have searched around online and checked various settings for this, and I must be missing something. When we build a Segment in D365, we are able to see from the "Members" field how many members are in the Segment. However, when we click the "Members" tab, the sub-grid that I believe should be displaying the list of Members is blank. Checking the sub-grid on the forum, it looks like it is using Contact records linked via a field called "SegmentMember" (msdyncrm_segmentmemberid). This field is blank though for all of our Contact records (despite us having a few test Segments with various members), so I am not understanding how this sub-grid populates. I also saw an Associated View for Contacts called "Contact List Members View", but I don't see a way to link that view with the sub-grid (and I am not even sure if that is what I need to do anyway). We are still trying to get a grasp on the Marketing module as we begin rolling out Dynamics to our reps, any information is greatly appreciated. Thank you! :-)

  • Community member Profile Picture
    Community member 10 on at
    Viewing Members of Marketing Segments
    Hi Taybo,

    we can retrieve the members of Real time marketing seqment by querying its data and can use this output in excel and reports.

    Exact information can be found here.

  • SharonP Profile Picture
    SharonP 105 on at
    RE: Viewing Members of Marketing Segments

    Hi Chris,

    I'm encountering the same issue. Below is the screenshot showing subgrid configurations. The view used is "Segmentmembers"


    On the segment entity it shows 23 members and the same number is displayed on the grid but no data is shown.




  • Taybo510 Profile Picture
    Taybo510 150 on at
    RE: Viewing Members of Marketing Segments

    Thank you for your help Christian! I finally submitted a support ticket, and it was an issue with a view I had mistakenly turned off during clean up (Segment members). I turned the view back on, assigned it to the Segment Sub-Grid and it works perfectly now. If someone else down the road is having this issue, when you check your Contact Views, make sure you change the "View" drop down at the top to include Inactive Views. I was never seeing the Segment members View because it was Inactive, and the settings "View" was just set to show All Active Views. Thanks again Christian for your help and the thorough response!

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Viewing Members of Marketing Segments

    Hello Taybo510,

    you can expect that when the segment has evaluated the query returns the members and also shows the member count then the members grid will fill.

    Have you tried using different browsers, Edge, Chrome?

    Perhaps try to navigate to the members and back to the query and see if it updates. I would also recommend to open the experience in browser inkognito mode or try deleting the browser cache in case a problem with outdated scripts is not the root cause. This should not happen - but its worth a try.

    If that all does not help, please reach out with a support request and we will look more closely at your organization. 

  • Taybo510 Profile Picture
    Taybo510 150 on at
    RE: Viewing Members of Marketing Segments

    Thank you for the response and screenshots Christian! Using your screenshots as reference, we created a similar Live Dynamic Segment like your example ([tag:cabeln] SimpleSegment), and we are seeing a number in the Members field (your circled example shows 6, or example showed 8 members). However, when we click  on the Members tab (same as the 2nd screenshot you have above), the sub-grid is completely blank. Did you need to do anything special to make the sub-grid populate, or did it automatically fill in with the Members once you made the Segment Live? We have tried making Dynamic and Static Segments with various member counts, but the sub-grid on the Members tab of the form is always blank. I might just need to put in a request ticket, as it seems like something is broken on our side. If you or anyone else has any other suggestions though, I am all ears. Thanks again Christian!

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Viewing Members of Marketing Segments


    let me try to explain in few screenshots how segment members are shown and managed in the UI.

    Lets start with dynamic segments. Those are defined by a query definition. Once "live" the resulting members count is shown in the Members field in the General tab. The Members tab shows the actual segment members at the time - the members might change when the segments updates.

    SegmentBasic_2D00_s2.png SegmentBasic_2D00_d2.png

    Now to static segments. In static segments you need to take a member selection before going live. While segments are not live yet the field Members in the General tab is not visible yet. Before going live you would use the Definition tab to select members - and there is a filter button that helps you to reduce contacts offered for selection. Use the checkbox column to select contacts into the segment, change the filter and select others. Finally when you Go Live with the segment the selected members will be taken into the segment. The resulting members will appear again in the Members tab.

    SegmentBasic_2D00_s1.png SegmentBasic_2D00_s2.png SegmentBasic_2D00_s3.png

    With the Spring release you can also press the Edit button while the segments are live and update the respective segment definition. Press the Save in a live segment and the updated member definition will reflect in the members returned by the segment - after a short while.

Under review

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