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Duplicate an Excel workbook from x++ AX2012

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Posted on by 44

Hi All,

I am just starting to work with excel files through x . As you may guess I know very little.

I have a template already made in Excel where I want to fill it with the data from the a selected production. this template is called routecard (RK).

since I don't want to modify the existing template I prefer to Open a copy of the template from X and modify from there.

Since I dont know exacly how to do that I am starting by creating a new file (RK_new), and copy each sheet from the template RK excel (RK)

here is what I'got so far. The problem is in the two last lines where I want to add a new sheet infolog shows: "COM Object, method add called with invalid parameters"

you help is greatly appreciated , I am quite sure there should be an easier solution just by somehow clone the workbooks

 //******** template WorkBook
    SysExcelApplication appRK;
    SysExcelWorkbooks wbsRK;
    SysExcelWorkbook wbRK;
    SysExcelWorksheets wssRK;
    SysExcelWorksheet wsRK;
    SysExcelCells cellsRK;
    COMVariantType typeRK;
    FileName filename;
    //******** New WorkBook
    SysExcelApplication appRK_new;
    SysExcelWorkbooks wbsRK_new;
    SysExcelWorkbook wbRK_new;
    SysExcelWorksheets wssRK_new;
    SysExcelWorksheet wsRK_new;
    SysExcelCells cellsRK_new;
    COMVariantType typeRK_new;
    int rowRK_new;
    ItemId itemidRK_new;

    //******* Open the Original RK Template
    appRK = SysExcelApplication::construct();
    wbsRK = appRK.workbooks();
    filename = "W:\\Rutekort\\Poland\\RK_PL.xlsm";
    catch (Exception::Error)
        throw error("File cannot be opened.");
    wbRK  = wbsRK.item(1);
    wssRK = wbRK.worksheets();
    //******* Open New Excel for RK
    appRK_new = SysExcelApplication::construct();
    wbsRK_new = appRK_new.workbooks();
    wbRK_new = wbsRK_new.add(); // Creates new excel File
    wssRK_new = wbRK_new.worksheets(); //point to the its worksheets
    //***** copying the first ws into the new workbook RK_new * ERROR
    wsRK_new = wssRK.itemFromNum(1);

  • Suggested answer
    CBNestor Profile Picture
    CBNestor 44 on at
    RE: Duplicate an Excel workbook from x++ AX2012

    I apologize guys , this was a silly question from my side,

    Actually I have never made use of templates .xlts in Excel. What I needed to do was just save my excel as a template .xltm (enable for macros) this way when the user needs to open it from AX it will just make automatically a new one (with no track of the original path of the file which is what I like) .

    other way is opening the excel from AX in the code as a Read-Only here the code for that:

    that way I can make sure that the user wont modify the original file from where is beign opened.

    Note: as far as I have been reading there is not predefault method in AX to copy or duplicates workbooks


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