The main Account form that we use has been updated with additional fields.
We have a Business Process Flow and within that is a Workflow.
My question is:
You can only choose one Entity for Account and therefore naturally I would expect that the default form would be the one that you set at the top of the list as the Main Form in the Form Properties for Entity.
I have refereshed and published multiple times.
Why would the Account Form that is within the Workflow not update with the updated version of the same form. The form shows as the correctly updated version on the Account's just not within the actual workflow which I need it to also.
For example as per the first picture you will see additional new fields which have been published etc....
Highlighted New Fileds correctly showing on my udpated Form on App for outlook and webversion
However the workflow is defaulting to the pervious version and not showing the 3 additional fields as highlighted above....
I need the workflow to somehow recognize that the Account Form has been updated with additional fields so that I can then proceed with mapping fields for purpose of my workflow.
This query is not about how to create the workflow to update its, a question as to why the Workflow Account Form is still defaulting to the old version and not the new one. Its not a brand new Account Form it has simply had additional fields added to it.
Thanks for your time