We are using cloud Dynamics 365 Business Central and trying to get items with all attributes via OData.
In Microsoft documentation we found this endpoint:
api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/v1.0[our tenant id]/Sandbox/ODataV4/Company('CRONUS%20DE')/items
But unfortunately, the response does not contain item attributes and values, such as Farbe, Tiefe, etc.
Next, we tried to add new Web Services. But some of this endpoints return empty values and some of them (7506, 7507, 7508, 7510) don't work and return:
No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI
Objects 7500, 7501, 7503 contain information about attributes. But non of them (7500 - 7510) does not contain a relation between Item, Attributes, and Values.
Maybe there is another way to get items with their attribute values? We also tried to research microsoft graph but not successful.
Thank you!