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Revert Finalize status on PO

Posted on by 487


The user by mistake clicked on the finalize button on Po in Ax 2012. The status of the PO is now Finalize and line are Invoiced/

If i want to revert the changes back, what should be done. IN case if I write a job what table will be impacted if i need to revert the changes and set the status back to confirmed


  • TeodoraS Profile Picture
    TeodoraS 41 on at
    RE: Revert Finalize status on PO

    Hello NDingakar22,

    Did you have any success with this?

    Did you just change the PO status from Finalized to Approved?



  • Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Revert Finalize status on PO

    Hello NDingankar22,

    Do you need to correct some existing records that are in a finalized state?

    If so, how many records need correction?

    Also, why do you need this correction?

    Best regards,


  • NDingankar22 Profile Picture
    NDingankar22 487 on at
    RE: Revert Finalize status on PO

    Thank you Brad for the reply. Not using budget control though.

  • RE: Revert Finalize status on PO


    I would like to vrify if you are using budget control.  If you are using budget control, then i would recommend creating a new PO for the remaining quantity that was canceled and the encumbrance that would have been released during the finalization.


  • NDingankar22 Profile Picture
    NDingankar22 487 on at
    RE: Revert Finalize status on PO

    If i just make the status of back to Approved from Finanlize by writing a code, will it impact anything.  When the finalzie button is clicked, does it impact anything or just the status is changed. or clicking on finalize button automatically post the invoice? How can i change the status back to approved from finalize. Can a simple job for just status change will do.Or should the other impact be conisdered

  • Suggested answer
    André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,269 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Revert Finalize status on PO

    Hi NDigankar22,

    Can you clarify what exact needs to be reversed? The Finalize button can't be used when the order was not invoiced. So, there should have been an invoice posting first. Reverting the posted invoice is not possible.

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Revert Finalize status on PO

    Hi NDingankar22,

    What would you like to change for this invoiced and completed PO?

    Can't you create a new 'corrective' PO to make adjustments as needed?

    If it is just an item related change that you need, then you can do that in the inventory closing form directly as needed.

    Best regards,


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