When we use the 'Import User' option to add a new user accounts, it seems to endlessly load all Active directory users. It isn't possible to 'filter' the Name field during this loading process.
Platform version: 10.0.33
Current Troubleshooting analysis:
This behaviour is inconsistent. Some users face this issue while some do not.
This issue does not seem to be related to roles, since we have observed some people with 'System Administrator' role experiece this issue while others do not experience.
For some users, the loading stops after couple of minutes and presents a warning message at the top:
We have not seen this issue before, so I am not sure if it is related to the new platform upgrade..
Any tips or suggestions on further troubleshooting this is really appreciated
On another note: When we use Import Users functionality, the user gets assigned the company which is all in small letters, while the configured company is all in capital letters. Is this just a formating issue or there is more to it?