Hi guy,
just to let you know that I had the same issue and after so many attempts I found out my problem.
Once you have configured everything related to the portal (following the documentation), you need also to have all the data coherent for that customer, as you were booking that customer asset to be serviced from the D365 FS internal side.
Particularly you need:
- the contact person, logging into the self service portal, with the right web roles
- the account, with customer asset
- the contact person address and servicing coordinates
- the customer asset address and servicing coordinates
My problem was that I had placed the customer asset to be serviced in a functional location in France.
I needed to give an address to that functional location (beside the one on the account and the one on the customer asset):
as you see my customer asset is located in a functional location (Pista A - Hangar 1).
If you double click on the location, you open the functional location form:
where you have a specific address (and coordinates) for that location.
While trying to book an appointment from the Self Service portal, I always had "No time available" because NO resources where found considering everything, also the distance and travel time.
So I had to configure a bookable resource in France (:-)):
and magically, everything finally works fine:
I hope this can help you (since I could not find out any detailed documentation on that)!