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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

[AX 2012] How do i narrow a lookup in a form?

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i've got a field in a form that is filled from a lookup table. 


I need to select the records in that lookup, what's the best way to do so?


Thank you in advance


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  • Suggested answer
    Joris dG Profile Picture
    Joris dG 17,775 on at
    Re: [AX 2012] How do i narrow a lookup in a form?

    Not entirely sure what you're asking for. Considering your explanation as well as the title of this post, are you asking to "filter" the list that shows up in the lookup?

    If so, there are multiple ways. If possible, you can do it by changing the relation from your table to your lookup table and adding the filter field. If that is not possible, you either have to create your own lookup form, or create one from code using the SysTableLookup class.

    AxaptaPedia is a little outdated, but has some useful info on this topic:

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