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System Event: PostUpdateTask when creating a task

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I noticed that that each time when I create a task in Dynamics 2016 (v8.2), I see in the list of System Jobs, an entry System Event: PostUpdateTask. I also notice that the Update plugins for the task are triggered.

I have checked code, and I don't see any updates on the created task in the plugin, nor do I find a workflow that gets trigger.

What else could cause the Update plugin to trigger? And what is this System Event?

I'm puzzled about this.

  • System Event: PostUpdateTask when creating a task
    Having troubles about the update is really stressing me out.
  • MTWorsham Profile Picture
    MTWorsham 19 on at
    System Event: PostUpdateTask when creating a task
    I am having issues with "system events" failing, they appear to be customized events created by a partner of ours.  I am trying to figure out where system jobs live in the dynamics environment - do you know where I can go find these system events that run?
    Thanks in advance!
  • Verified answer
    Birgit RD Profile Picture
    Birgit RD 2 on at
    RE: System Event: PostUpdateTask when creating a task

    Not the best of solutions, but I made some verification in the update, and modified the granted access.

    End results is what is expected.

  • Birgit RD Profile Picture
    Birgit RD 2 on at
    RE: System Event: PostUpdateTask when creating a task

    Update : I discovered this system event will run when a task is created from the social pane (in a couple of months we will migrate and use the timeline).

    Issue : the user needs to create a task for another team on which by default it has no write permissions --> this event causes an error.

    So I need to find a way around this.

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