I have configured fraud prevention headers-related settings in D365 for UK MTD VAT based on the latest data package available in LCS. (UK MTD VAT setup_v6_KB5008136)
After the configuration, the fraud prevention headers show the values correctly and I could proceed with all the steps of the MTD process until generating JSON and the VAT 100 report.
However, when I click on 'Send report' as the last step of the VAT MTD TEST, I encountered an error as shown below.
"Exception at level 0 Message: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. Source: System Stack trace: at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at Dynamics.AX.Application.EMCommonWebAPI.`getResponse(EMWebRequest _request) in xppSource://Source/RegulatoryServices\AxClass_EMCommonWebAPI.xpp:line 95"
As the user needs to submit the VAT, this is urgent to fix. Before applying the new configurations to the production environment I would like to have your support to fix this issue in the test environment. Can anyone guide me on this matter, please?
Thank you.