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Can we have the voucher number on a reversing entry be the same as original number?

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

When we enter a general journal that we want to reverse the next month we want the original entry and the reversing entry to be the same voucher number.  Currently the original entry and the reversing entry are assigned different voucher numbers (i.e. the original is JE-000040 and the reversing entry is JE-000041).  We would like them to be the same number but not sure if that  is possible.  If it can be done where would I set this flag?


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Can we have the voucher number on a reversing entry be the same as original number?

    Thanks for the response.  The reason for the question is that in our prior ERP system if we created a reversing journal entry it would use the same document/transaction number for the original and reversing entry (since I'm still learning the terminology of D365 I was using voucher number to describe the transaction number.  I may not be comparing apples to apples).  Our controller was just wanting to see if it was possible to replicate our prior ERP system and have it use the same number for the original and revering entry.   I realize that in some countries every entry has to be a unique number and this is not an issue for us which is why we wanted to explore this change.  After further discussions with the controller the real reason for wanting the same number was if the journal entry had to be voided/reversed that we could reverse both the original and revering at the same time if they were the same number.

    Looking at the steps we would need to take to try and set this up I think we will keep things as is.  Thanks again for everyone's input.

  • PujariD365 Profile Picture
    PujariD365 80 on at
    RE: Can we have the voucher number on a reversing entry be the same as original number?

    Dear Mikeev,

    I think what Sourav and Ludwig already mentioned, is enough to answer this question.

    You should not record reversal in the same voucher. This would be not a good practice.

    However you can test the steps what Sourav mentioned in his comment but at the same time it is recommended in bold letter that, not to follow this practice. I have tested the same steps and clearly, this is reversing in the same voucher. But as mentioned before, this should not be followed.

    Better communicate with the customer and let them first understand the consequences as it could be.



  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 292,468 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Can we have the voucher number on a reversing entry be the same as original number?

    Hi Mikeev,

    I do agree with Ludwig here. In many countries the voucher numbers should be unique per date. You can also use ledger settlements to mark the original and reversing voucher afterwards.

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Can we have the voucher number on a reversing entry be the same as original number?

    Hello mikeev,

    Even though this is possible, don't do it because this is against any accounting regulation I am aware of.

    When reversing GL transactions, D365FO uses a trace number sequence that provides you the link back to the original voucher.

    Reversals do, however, not work for all kind of transactions.

    If you cannot reverse a voucher you have to think about different ways how you link the original voucher to the reversal one.

    This can either be made by using default fields (description, reason code, etc.) or by making a system modification.

    Best regards,


  • Verified answer
    SouravDam Profile Picture
    SouravDam 11,723 on at
    RE: Can we have the voucher number on a reversing entry be the same as original number?

    Hi mikeev,

    This is possible to record both original and reversal entry in same voucher number. To do that, you have to change system setup.

    However; this is strongly recommended not to do this practice as practically it doesn't make sense to record both these type of entries in the same voucher. You will be questioned by the auditors for this. Also, there will be no control in ERP and anyone can post entry with duplicate voucher if you follow this practice as per these setups.

    You can test below steps in UAT for your understanding only.

    --- First; go to General ledger parameters form and set 'Accept duplicates' in Check for voucher used field. Check continuous numbers should be 'Yes'.


    --- Go to number sequence section. Select the reference 'Transaction reversal' and set 'Yes' in To a lower number under 'Allow user changes' in this number sequence. You can only set 'Yes' for this option because you will use the same number for reversal and not any number which is higher than that.

    Also; if you do not set any of these check box (To a lower OR To a higher number whatever) 'Yes', then system will not allow to edit the record in Voucher column in the journal line.

    Number sequence continuous should be set as 'Yes'.



    --- Now go to Journal names form; select the journal name which you will use to pass these entries and then set the number sequence as continuous and To a lower number as 'Yes' same as above.


    --- Now post an entry using the same journal name. In my example; the voucher is recorded as GEN0010853 in JB002014984.


    Now if you reverse this posted transaction directly from this voucher, then you will not get the option to mention the same original voucher number at the time of reversal. Therefore; you have to create one more journal manually to record the reversal.

    --- Create one more journal. This time my journal batch number is JB002014986. Manually change the voucher number with the original voucher in Voucher column. In my case it is GEN0010853. Select same main and offset account with same dimension combination as it was posted before. Flip the amount. Means; whatever was posted earlier as Debit, should be Credit this time.

    --- Post the journal.

    Now if you check in this voucher, you will see both original and reversal entries have been recorded.


    Best regards,
    Sourav Dam

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