Hi, everyone hope this is the correct forum to post this.
Our organization is having issues exporting an unmanaged solution from our UAT environment. We are able to export our unmanaged solution from our DEV environment.
We are on release wave 2 for 2019.
The error message is pretty vague but the stack trace contains this error:
The application 'GUID HERE' could not be found in the tenant 'GUID HERE'. Client Request Id: .Detail:
at Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel.PowerAppsValidation.PowerAppsServiceResult[T](ResourceResult`1 powerAppsServiceResult)
at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Core.ImportExportPublish.CanvasAppHandlerInternal.<GetCanvasAppDefinition>d__20.MoveNext()
The tenant GUID is for our Default environment (not production, uat or dev)
Has anyone come across this or have any ideas on how to trouble shoot? We have removed all our canvas apps (we had an embedded canvas app in a model-driven app and removed the appid references on the form controls)
We'd like to avoid overwriting our UAT env with Dev.