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Electronic Reporting - Format Model - Dynamic height on row in Excel

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Dear Experts

is it possible in ER to allow the report to automatically adjust the height of a specific cell if the string value  within the cell does not fit?

I am  testing the Invoice Template and it seems the cell dimensions are set in advance , and as a result , the description might be truncated.

I tried to use WRAP in the excel but it does not seem to have any effect in ER.

as work around I have increased the height on the template. Is this the only way?


  • Suggested answer
    Electronic Reporting - Format Model - Dynamic height on row in Excel
    This is already covered by a new Microsoft functionality, Auto-fit height.
    Go to Electronic Reporting parameters, tab runtime and you'll find the parameter there.
    Although only enabling the parameter is probably not enough, I cover it in detail with examples in my blog post and Video:
  • Rafa Araujo Profile Picture
    Rafa Araujo 30 on at
    RE: Electronic Reporting - Format Model - Dynamic height on row in Excel


    Is it was fixed on new D365FO versions? I'm using the 10.0.31 (update 55) and the wrap is not working too.


  • Aparisi82 Profile Picture
    Aparisi82 2,178 on at
    RE: Electronic Reporting - Format Model - Dynamic height on row in Excel

    Dear Jeb

    I used your suggestion however it would truncate words if senteces needs a carriage return , however I have used something similar.

    I created 2 ranges ( one with one row ) and another range with 2 merged rows and based on the lenght of the note , I would show the first range or the second

    like below.

    It works flawlessly



  • Aparisi82 Profile Picture
    Aparisi82 2,178 on at
    RE: Electronic Reporting - Format Model - Dynamic height on row in Excel

    Apologies if I come back to you only now as I have a real example and your suggestion makes perfect sense.

    I will try and come back to you

  • Suggested answer
    Jeb Baker Profile Picture
    Jeb Baker 15 on at
    RE: Electronic Reporting - Format Model - Dynamic height on row in Excel

    Insert 2 rows after row 44 in your screenshot. Put a range around rows 44 - 46. Then put a range around row 45, and another range around row 46. In row 45 add a new merged cell directly under Description called Description2. In row 46 add a new merged cell directly under Description2 called Description3. In your Format Design change Description formula to just show what you can see without truncation - eg MID(@.Description, 1, 48). Then in the formulas for Description 2 and 3 just adjust the formulas to display what you would see on lines 2 and 3. On the range above Description2  changed Enabled formula to be LEN(@.Description)>49. Do same for the range above Description3 Enabled = LEN(@.Description)>99. So what this does is hide the ranges in rows 45 and 46 if the Description only takes 1 line. Otherwise the other ranges become visible if needed.

  • ToddB Profile Picture
    ToddB on at
    RE: Electronic Reporting - Format Model - Dynamic height on row in Excel

    Hi Alessandro,

    In checking, there does not appear to be a way to dynamically change the height.

    You could submit a suggestion around this on the Ideas portal; and post a link here for others to vote:

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