A consultant working on implementing 2015 NAV ran into an issue our other consultants told us was not an issue.
On the topic of Global Dimension 1 to segregate company data... We implemented this approach for a NAV 2013 implementation last fall and it worked out very well. The customer does not use warehousing, but the changes were not as significant as you might worry they'd be. At a high level, it involved some of the steps below...but again, it worked out great and accounting has been perfectly clean...no issues.
- In the G/L post codeunit, add logic to require Global Dimension 1 Code on EVERY entry hitting the G/L
- Modify the consistency check in G/L post to enforce balancing by global dimension 1
- Enforce restrictions around documents (global dim. 1 the same on the header and all lines)
- As an exception to the previous point, we allowed purchase invoices/credit memos to be posted with lines allocated to other "entities" (global dim. 1) and added a setup table and logic to automatically post due-to/due-from entries
- Add some other restrictions (no cash applications across entities, exchange adjustment set up to work within entities, suggest vendor payments adjusted accordingly)
Our company, however, has a requirement to not only separate the legal entities for financial reporting, but also for production reporting. Also our various legal entities pay their AP invoices from (and apply AR cash received to) a single bank account. All of our production reporting currently is done through the Accounting Ledger. And all of our production is done in separate areas within a single legal entity.
Our first pass at a structure used Global Dimension 1 to differentiate all the legal entities as well as the production areas within the one legal entity that held not only our production areas, but also our central warehouse.
The consultant above tells us that this will result in massive transactions being posted to the GL anytime product is transferred from the central warehouse to one of the production areas, and vice versa.
I think you need to take it back to what the goal is and the simplest way to accomplish that goal.
1. Goal: Produce a P & L by department with the least amount of manual intervention –
a. If Each Production area is its own GD1 and the warehouse is a separate GD1 – we are under the impression that 2 transactions have to happen
i. Order to move the inventory from Warehouse to production area – creating an GL entry – about 35K transactions a month = messy GL, overcomplicated situation
ii. Location change to put the inventory in the Production location
b. Isn’t the inventory that is stored in the warehouse NOT going to be reported on the P&L correctly as it is “owned” by the warehouse instead of production – this would be true of WIP as well that is stored in the warehouse – every movement of this is going to create a P&L entry.
If there is an easier way to handle this - WITHOUT doing all these GL affecting movements but still produce a valid P&L then that is what they are looking for.
IS there an easier way?
Thank you.
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