I am trying to get a web client page with following structure:
Page is based on REPEATER table
CUEGROUP is not based in any table (just variables I create)
The subpage at the very end is a List-Page repeater based on its own table, but depends on Repeater1 values (lets think Repeater 1 is sales invoice header in table mode and Repeater 2 is sales invoice lines in table mode.
When I access to this page with web client I get REPEATER 1 side by side the subpage instead of one above the other as in the diagram.
However, if I access via NAV Client, it looks fine: Cue group on the top, REPEATER1 at the middle, and under it, the subpage.
I would like to maintain same vertical structure as in NAV Client
Any clues on group/grouplayout/fixedlayout ? I have tried many combinations that work in NAV client but not in web client
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