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fixed asset upload issue

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I am trying to import a fixed asset file to create general fixed asset records - the issue that I am having is that the asset class id is being changed to the first asset id in the series for that asset id.

For example, I currently have existing assets  AZ3-1, AZ3-2 & AZ3-3.     The asset class ID for AZ3-1 is COMPUTERS.   The asset class ID for AZ3-4 is new & in my upload file and it has an asset class id of LAND.  When I import, the class ID is being changed from LAND to COMPUTERS.  Does anyone know why this is happening?

  • Suggested answer
    Andrea Melroe Profile Picture
    Andrea Melroe 3,437 on at
    RE: fixed asset upload issue


    How are you importing the Asset General records? Are you using Integration Manager or the Fixed Assets Import/Export Utility in GP, or something else?

    The Class ID field is required regardless of what you’re using to import. I can at least tell you that we don’t have any known Quality Issues around the Class ID not coming in as mapped when the integration is setup correctly (IM and/or Import/Export Utility).

    Are you having GP ‘automatically’ create the Asset Book records when you’re importing? You can verify by checking to see if ‘Auto Add Book info’ is marked in the following windows:

    Fixed Assets Company Setup

    Fixed Assets Book Setup

    Fixed Assets Book Class Setup

    If you are marked to auto add book info, unmark it in the windows above, and check to verify you have valid Book Class Setups for every Book/Class combination you’re importing.

    So, let’s say you have two Class IDs (LAND and COMPUTERS) and you have two Book IDs (INTERNAL and IFRS): You must have 4 Book Class Setup records in place:





    Once ‘auto add book info’ is unmarked and you’ve validated the Book Class Setups are in place, try the import again. Did the Class ID come in as expected?

    If not, I think it would be wise to open a support case with our team so we can review your import source files in conjunction with the FA setups coming into play in your environment.

    I hope this helps!

    Thank you for using Dynamics Communities,

    Andrea Melroe | Sr, Technical Advisor | Microsoft Dynamics GP

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