I have System Admin Role in Dynamics System. I am able to do everything for all Entities expect for one Opportunity Related entity. When I click on New Record and I input the data and click on save below error is showing.
Exception Message: Principal user (Id=XXXXXXXX-15fc-ea11-XXXX-001dd801769d, type=8, roleCount=2, privilegeCount=564, accessMode=1(Setup/Stub user with filtered privileges from associated roles. Consider changing user AccessMode to Full (without privilege filtering))), is missing prvReadnew_addtotal privilege (Id=d06d1258-ceec-4964-b6a3-e314a4fdf66f) on OTC=10311 for entity 'new_addtotal'. context.Caller=XXXXXXXX-15fc-ea11-XXXX-001dd801769d
ErrorCode: -2147220960
HexErrorCode: 0x80040220
0: prvReadnew_AddTotal
1: new_AddTotal
ApiExceptionSourceKey: Step/Microsoft.Crm.Extensibility.ImageRetrievalStep
ApiStepKey: 84b9d1cb-3e30-11db-b951-000cf1fe02ff
ApiDepthKey: 1
ApiActivityIdKey: 02fa3375-17ff-4b7d-a169-5306e5d2f9fe
ApiPluginSolutionNameKey: System
ApiStepSolutionNameKey: System
ApiExceptionCategory: ClientError
ApiExceptionMesageName: PrivilegeDenied
HttpStatusCode: 403
HelpLink: go.microsoft.com/.../
Activity Id: 45642e3d-f762-457d-9da0-c0357a4f5101
Please advise.
Thank you!