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readOnlySettings for custom RTE not working

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We're looking to set the default 'Description' field on the Case/Incident table to use the Rich Text component. As part of that, we need the field to be read-only and to be limited in height. This article is what I used to investigate how it works:

So following the above, I've created a new .js webresource using the RTEGlobalConfiguration.json as the base and applied the new resource to the Description field on the Case form. Most other settings work without issue but the readOnlySettings seems to get ignored.

This is what I'm attempting to set it to:

    "readOnlySettings": {
        "height:": 380

And here's the full webresource if it's useful:

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Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • JVicente Profile Picture
    JVicente 10 on at
    RE: readOnlySettings for custom RTE not working

    Hi Kapil,

    Thanks for the suggestion. I'd prefer to use Microsoft's recommended implementation, to be honest, but will investigate this if there's a bug with the MS option.

  • KK-365 Profile Picture
    KK-365 1,010 on at
    RE: readOnlySettings for custom RTE not working


    Check the below blog may help.

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