Hello -
We have 2 installations of GP, our production installation and a test install on a separate server.
We recently finished upgrading our GP installations to 18.3 and I now want to simply copy our Dynamics database from our production install to test via a backup/restore. I tried this about a year ago and ran into issues with security and permissions so I scrapped the attempt.
Doing some googling I have found various documents and blog entries talking about doing this but they all seem to be for moving GP to a "CLEAN" server where GP is currently not installed. I want to refresh the DYNAMICS database over an existing DYNAMICS db on our test server.
I've found there are some scripts one being sp_help_revlogin that will generate a list of logins from our production box but all that appears to do is create missing logins on our text box. I've also read that I might have to re-create the user passwords on the test box after I copy DYNAMICS over. We do have a licensed copy of GPPT installed however I've never used that particular utility to re-do the passwords.
Can someone provide the steps I need to follow to perform this copy of DYNAMICS from production to our test installation? From everything I've read it sounds like the only thing I didn't do was reset the passwords after copying DYNAMICS over but I want to confirm that. And if anyone has experience with GPPT and resetting passwords I'd appreciate any tips/suggestions.
And I apologize if this has been asked in the past - I've tried searching but again, it always seems to be questions related to setting up a NEW install of GP on a test server, not refreshing an existing install.
Thanks in advance.