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Microsoft Dynamics GP forum

Comment's disappearing on Sales Line Items

Posted on by 6
Has anyone encountered an issue where comments are deleted on the line items in a sales order? We haven't been able to find a cause for this but the only trend we have found is that they only get deleted on Sales Orders where the /Copy a Sales Order/ function is used to bring in data from a different order. We haven't identified any trends with specific timing or processes that cause it to do this. The comments will be there then days or even weeks later they will be gone.
GP version: 18.5.1635 (was happening on a earlier version as well, we updated Summer 2023)
Any ideas would be appreciated!
  • CU16070246-0 Profile Picture
    CU16070246-0 on at
    Comment's disappearing on Sales Line Items
    There may be an error in your sales order management software, especially when using the "Copy sales order" function. You should check to see if any new updates are available for the software Suika game and apply patches if available.
  • Joseph Markovich Profile Picture
    Joseph Markovich 3,806 on at
    Comment's disappearing on Sales Line Items
    If this is just happening with the copy function in SOP, that is interesting. Because some text is getting appended to the end of the comment, is there something running like a trigger on just the SOP line comment table? Or some kind of Dexerity customization?
    Is Scribe doing anything to the SOP10200 table with the integration between GP and CRM? I learned the hard way that if you make *any* kind of update to SOP10200 using eConnect, you have to pass all of the line item details back -- or stuff just disappears. 
    When the comment is being entered in the SOP line, are you selecting a premade one (so the Comment ID field fills in) or does everyone just hit the arrow and start typing?
  • Comment's disappearing on Sales Line Items
    Hi David,
    It is for comments.
    From what I've observed, the records are duplicating as expected, and each duplicate appears to be unique, with both the copied and original versions present in the SOP10202 table. In the copied record, there are slight edits to the comments, while the original record remains unchanged. Here is an example of an entry made today using the copy function that I am sure will get deleted. Ill continue to monitor this specific record over the next few days to see if I can pinpoint anything.
    I checked the table for maybe older duplicated lines and or blank records but came across nothing that stuck out for prior instances.
    ORIGINAL ORD57215              32768 TRANSFER      Please take from new stock lot WO-27370 coming      172041
    COPIED ORD57686              32768 TRANSFER      Please take from new stock lot WO-27370 - FSHorse   173743
    I made a backup of this so I can load into test and try a couple processes out and see if I can find something that triggers on this specific document.
    Joseph - That is a good point. We do have scribe integration between Dynamics CRM. However all the scripts run multiple times a day and everything integrates correctly, the comment shows how it was entered. I don't think we can say for certain that its not the integration but so far nothing stands out to me.
    I appreciate the info and the assistance from both of you. Hopefully I can gather some more info on some of my example records in the next few days. Thanks!
  • David Musgrave MVP GPUG All Star Legend Moderator Profile Picture
    David Musgrave MVP ... 13,781 Super User on at
    Comment's disappearing on Sales Line Items
    Is this comments or notes?
    It is possible that the comments or notes are not actually duplicated, but linked back to the original document.
    They would be available until the original document is deleted or posted and then they will disappear.
    If this is what is happening, I would classify it as a bug and report it to Microsoft.
    In the meantime we could use GP Power Tools to fix the data to make a copy after duplicating the documents to fix the issue.
  • Joseph Markovich Profile Picture
    Joseph Markovich 3,806 on at
    Comment's disappearing on Sales Line Items
    Is there possibly an internal process or some kind of integration that is running on the sales orders?

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