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Permissions change log

Posted on by 2
Hi all,
I am currently working with a client who introduced Dynamics F&O as new ERP system. As part of user administration, we are looking for a report that shows all permission changes to users within a certain time period! In AX, there was a specific report for that - are you aware of any similar report in F&O?
Instead of a report, a change logging as in BC/NAV for the permissions and user table would also be sufficient for us!
Thanks in advance,
  • Suggested answer
    Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Permissions change log
    You can refer to this official document: Configure database logging - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn. It provides a way to track specific types of changes to the tables and fields in F&O. Changes that can be tracked include insert, update, delete, and rename key operations. When you configure logging for a table or field, a record of every change to that table or field is stored in the database log table, sysdatabaselog, in the environment database.
    Best regards,
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 288,584 Super User on at
    Permissions change log
    Hi Luca,
    There are some features that will become active if you setup an Estonian (dummy) legal entity. You can check if that will fulfill your needs. The functionality is about security logging and person details access.
    If you have other requirements, you can check out for ISV solutions. E.g. I'm currently working at To-Increase where we have a Security and Compliance Studio solution with extensive logging for role contents and assignment changes. 

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